Farmer Tyler
farmer - author - content creator
RT @QuartoHomes: GardenersPath has an in-depth review of HOME HYDROPONICS by @TheFarmerTyler https://t.co/TOg8ZmKt04
RT @hortamericas: Great @UFHortSci New Video: Five Tips on Growing #GreenhouseGrown Lettuce in the Heat https://t.co/HpveQ30ypC via… https://t.co/U5VpGtbLtx
Single Carat Carrot? #putaringonit https://t.co/kG4kSeZFrE
RT @NikiJabbour: It's time to talk hydroponics with Tyler Baras, AKA 'Farmer Tyler', a hydroponic expert and the author of Home Hydr… https://t.co/PSGbX1jDJA